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Project Resources


Adopted Plan: September 27, 2023

Adopted Map Book: September 27, 2023

Interactive General Land Use Plan
Amendments Since Plan Adoption​​​​​​
Since the plan was adopted, the Board of Supervisors has approved amendments to the text and maps: 

CPA2023-00003: I-64 Industrial, LLC
This was a request to change the land use designation shown on the General Land Use Plan for an area in the southwestern portion of County from Rural/Agricultural to Limited Industrial (approved January 24, 2024). 
CPA2024-00001: Hanover County Board of Supervisors
This was a request to remove three concept roads (proposed roadways) from the Major Thoroughfare Plan, including Woodside Lane Parallel Road, Woodside Lane Extension, and Jamestown Road Extension (approved August 28, 2024). 

Public Engagement


Landowner Requests to Change Future Land Use Designation

The Comprehensive Plan helps guide decisions regarding land use, establishing a vision of how different parts of the County may grow and evolve. The General Land Use Plan is a map that designates areas where new development may be appropriate over the next twenty years. The land use designations are not intended to be site-specific but are to be used as a guide for zoning deliberations.


Landowner Requests to Change Future Land Use Designations

As part of the citizen engagement process, landowners were given the opportunity to submit requests to change the future land use designations applied to their properties (as shown on the General Land Use Plan). These requests are high-level, preliminary ideas about how landowners imagine their property being used during the planning horizon. To date, 21 applications have been submitted. The information can be reviewed on the attached spreadsheet and map that generally shows the locations of these requests.


The County is beginning the process of reviewing the General Land Use Plan, and these requests will be analyzed during that process. There will be additional public meetings to obtain feedback on all land use changes.



Overview of General Land Use Plan

Video Overview

Virtual Open House


Anchor 1
Chickahominy Falls September 2021 (2).JPG
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